miss yasmin khan
how do burn videos from Windows media player to Realplayer? They play on Realplayer and i get the option to burn them to DVD. However, it doesnt then burn the files. i get an error message about unsupported files. I dont know if I am making sense. But is there a way around this issue?
will look forward to your reply.
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Please note that the ''DVD burning'' is a paid feature. For more information regarding the paid and the free features, please click here: https://customer.real.com/hc/en-us/articles/204039343
Note: If you've purchased previous version of RealPlayer -- Please note that each RealPlayer version is considered a new product as it comes with additional features and that is why it is sold separately. We are now offering RealPlayer18/RealTimes.
For more information regarding the DVD burning, please click on the following link: https://customer.real.com/hc/en-us/articles/204041013
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