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6 Kommentare

  • Davidparks64 null

    I seen where you had said issue fixed, just need to restart the computer, STILL NOT WORKING!! Issue NOT fixed, I can download audio but can't download the video, just the sound, lol does me no good.

  • John Esmond

    Unable to download ...  first time in years ... What it going on?

  • John Esmond

    I  download the program and updated no way to fix!

  • Davidparks64 null

    Same here. I actually uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it worked for a few downloads and now it's quit again so it's something on their end hopefully they know about it or should know about it by now and are working on it. It's damn near impossible to get a hold of anybody.

  • John Esmond

    May be is time to cancel this website after more of 16 years!

  • RN Support

    To make it even more simple, we have the latest version along with the fix available at www.real.com. This was fixed 10 days ago. So please download the latest version.

    For RealPlayer 20/20 users - https://customer.real.com/hc/en-us/categories/360003911493-RealPlayer-PC

    For RealPlayer 22 users - https://customer.real.com/hc/en-us/articles/8504428306587-Installing-RealPlayer-22

    Please note: Versions 18 and older won't get any more updates as they have reached End of Life support.


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