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8 Kommentare

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    RN Support

    Please follow the steps from this link to resolve your issue.


  • Sam Hill

    I am having the same problem as Armando, I am unable to download videos. I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it but that didn't help.

  • Sam Hill

    Ok, I just went back to watch a video and a yellowish bar appeared at the top of my computer for downloading. When I clicked it I was able to download. The old link is still inactive, but the new link works just fine. You have to look for it while watching video. It is not readily visible.

  • armando montiel

    What do you mean by the old link and new link??

  • null null

    I'm having the same problem - I've restarted my laptop and uninstalled/reinstalled Real Player twice but to no avail

  • armando montiel

    Sam Hill how do you look for the new link??

  • Sam Hill

    Go to YouTube, click on a video (bring it up) you want to watch. Once you do that, look at the top, middle of your screen. A yellowish bar will appear. It is were the old blue/white one use to be...it is the same thing, the color just changed. Click on it and you should be able to download.

  • Shave null

    Video downloads on YouTube have been hit or miss for the past couple of days.  I primarily use the BRAVE browser and download videos using the video's URL since the REAL download tab does not appear on the pages in the BRAVE browser.  After a clean install of REAL Player, downloading videos in BRAVE was still a no-go, so I opened up the FIREFOX browser instead.  FIREFOX showed the download tab at the top, but the video was unable to download.  I then closed the FIREFOX browser and opened the BRAVE browser and attempted to download a video using the video's URL.  The video downloaded successfully.  I repeated the task and was able to download another video successfully in the BRAVE browser.  I performed the task in the FIREFOX browser again and found that I was now able to successfully download a video as well.  This was strange... very strange indeed.

    This could have been some "bug" working itself out after a few restarts of RealDownloader on multiple browsers.  It's anyone's guess.  I just hope that this "fixed" my downloading issue.  If not, I'll be back to report on it.


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