Signing in to RealPlayer
How do I sign in to RealPlayer?
1. Open RealPlayer.
2. Windows users: From the RealPlayer menu in the upper left, choose Sign in:
Mac users: From the RealPlayer menu in the upper left, choose Sign in:
NOTE: If you see the option to Sign Out rather than Sign In, that means you are already signed in. If you purchased RealPlayer Plus or subscribed to RealTimes Premium or Unlimited, you should be able to access your additional features.
3. Enter your email address and account password:
- If you don't know your password, click the Forgot your password? link and enter your email address. After you provide the required information, you can then reset your password.
- If you get a "Please verify and re-enter your email and password" message, click here. For any other troubles with your password or email address, please contact us.
If you are experiencing any issues with signing into RealPlayer, check the related articles listed to the right for further assistance.
If you are able to sign in, but cannot access any of your Plus features, read Unable to access RealPlayer Plus features.