RESOLVED!! - Downloads are slow!
2nd March, 2023
We have resolved the slow download speeds!
RealPlayer v.22 users:
Please download and install the latest version of RealPlayer from
RealPlayer v.20/20 users:
To be able to download videos again, please follow these steps.
1. Attempt to download any video of your choice (You will still have the same error).
2. Simply restart your computer after this.
3. Upon restarting your computer, the Downloader will be updated in the backend and your downloads should start working.
Older versions (RealPlayer v.18 or older)
There won't be any more bug fixes as these versions have reached End of Life support.
28th February, 2023
We have noticed today (28th February, 2023) that certain websites have started to throttle the download speeds. We don't control how these websites control their content. However, our engineering team is looking into it.
At this time, there is very little we can do but we will update this page with more information as we have.