
jan lee

  • Total activity 10
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    jan lee commented,

    I share the same sentiments and am in a similar situation.  Why don't you just provide the answer publicly so I don't have to write my own complaint? Isn't that how FAQ works?  I don't have to repe...

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    jan lee created a post,

    Feeling shortchanged

    I've used realplayer for quite a while and purchased the "premium" version a few years back.  I was given the impression that my payment would be a one-time payment but now I'm informed that my ver...

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    jan lee created a post,

    Feeling shortchanged

    I've used realplayer for quite a while and purchased the "premium" version a few years back.  I was given the impression that my payment would be a one-time payment but now I'm informed that my ver...

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    jan lee created a post,

    Upgrade 18 plus to 20 Plus

    Hi. I'm currently on Real Player 18 Plus.  How do I get RealPlayer 20 Plus? Do I have to pay again?