Real Player will not let me sigh in. All I get is the circle going round and round. I paid for Real Player 22 Plus, so now I can`t use the DVD burner. How to fix this problem?
I was told to download new version of Real Player. Once I did that, I lost my Real Player 22 Plus I paid for to burn DVD. Then I read you have to sign in, but RealPlayer will not let me sign in. Never had to sign in to use the DVD burner I paid for. I even changed my password, but all I get when I try to sign in is a circle going around all the time. How do I get my Real Player 22 Plus back again if I can`t sign in? Also my account only states I have the free version, but I bought Real Player Plus 22 a few years ago. How do I fix these problems? Thanks-Ken
Where is the Real Player Support!! I have not heard from anyone at Real Player yet. I can`t sigh in and I need to know how to get my DVD burner back since I paid for the Real Player 22 Plus a few years back. I downloaded the new free version, like I was told to do, but now my Real Player Plus is not working. Please help! Thanks-Ken
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I still have not heard from RealPlayer support. I downloaded the new RealPlayer 24, but when I sign in, it will not recognized I already have Real Player 22 Plus which is in my account! It will not allow me to use the DVD burner. It just goes to a new page telling me to buy RealPlayer 24 plus to use the DVD burner. How to fix this problem. Please help. Ken
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