Realplayer Slow download speed
I have reviewed similar post for this issue. I am experiencing slow downloads also 0.50 mbps when i have 181 download rate. Any updates on this? This is a paid copy of realplayer.
Comentario oficial
We have identified the slow download speeds. Our engineering team is looking into it. Unfortunately, we don't have a workaround at this time. We have added your email address to the list of affected users and we will email you as soon as the issue is identified & resolved.
Same here - same Realplayer version, and using current Chrome. My download speeds just tested at 97 mbps, so 0.50 mbps is not acceptable for a paid Plus account.
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My download speed is crawling as well with the paid used to work faster if I restarted the desktop service...but now waiting hours for a couple minute video to download. My ISP connection speed is NOT the issue...
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Experiencing the same slow download speeds (.43 Mbps) since the new update. What's going on?
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My download speed is crawling as well with the paid used to work faster if I restarted the desktop service...but now waiting hours for a couple minute video to download. My ISP connection speed is NOT the issue...
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I too have extremely slow downlaods the best weeks. My download speed is on my ISP is over 800Mbps... and downloads through the realplayer downloader is .032 mbps ... what have they done to the latest version of real player software ? One and awhile I hit cancel and restart a download and then it goes back up to over 100+ Mbps... but the past few days even that doesn't help. I too have had the purchased version for years now.
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I have same problem is go only up to 44 mbps
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My issue with download speeds are specific to YouTube if that helps.
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FYI... I contacted RealNetworks Support yesterday about this slow download issue and they replied with the following email message:
"Thank you for contacting RealNetworks Customer Support. We have identified the slow download speeds. Our engineering team is looking into it. Unfortunately, I don't have a workaround at this time. However, I will email you as soon as the issue is identified & resolved."
This tells me that they know about the slow speed issue, but don't know when it will be fixed. My guess is that it will be fixed in a future update. I am not sure what else can be done here.
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Thank you for the heads up. It is appreciated the extra effort to post your findings and response from RealNetworks. Thank you 👍
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Super slow download speed. Useless as is. Please fix!!
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same, about 0.5 Mbs, payed version, useless. They shoud start to return money to customers, almost every new version has problems. It seems they are not testing new versions enough. I reload the video page 10 times, but always slow.
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And since i am experiencing the same thing, I ALMOST got Premium just to get past this slow downloads.
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Yep. Glad to see that I'm not crazy. Ran through damn near every networking trick in the book, but sill cannot break 0.4 Mbps. I have a paid account as well, so it does really suck when you get a degradation in service for more than a couple of days. Hey, contact ALL of your customers when the issue has been resolved, PLEASE.
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I am glad to see that it is not just me!
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"They" are taking way to long to resolve this slow download problem. It didn't just start a few days age, it has been happening at least for the past month. RealNetworks please WAKE UP! R.B. Shavers Jr. is right. Must let us know when the problem has been resolved.
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So glad to find out it is not just me.... my download speeds are ~0.53 Mbps.... which is CRAWLING compared to what it was before the last update. I am following this thread now, hoping they fix this very soon. Disgusting & completely unacceptable.
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Same issue. Very disappointing..
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Same issue. Very disappointing..
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Folks, I just got this email message from RealNetworks Support regarding the slow download speeds. I have not tried it yet, but will after work this evening. Best of luck!
"We have good news! Thank you for waiting patiently while we worked on fixing the slow download speeds. We updated RealDownloader so your downloads are faster. To update your RealDownloader, please follow these steps.
1. Using Chrome, Firefox or Edge, go to and play any video and click the Downloader button. (This action will still show slow download speeds)
2. Close all Windows
3. Restart your PC (This will update your Downloader in the backend)
Now try your video. If the issue persists, please let us know."0 -
OK... I had to give the "fix" that I posted above a try - work will have to wait. I followed the above instructions exactly. The first Youtube music video download was at 0.20 mbps. I stopped the download, closed all my computer windows, and rebooted my PC. Once my PC was rebooted, I immediately went back to Youtube and proceeded to download the same video that I cancelled previously. The new speed reached 18.0 mbps by the time it finished the download. This is a huge improvement in speed. I now feel that purchasing the Plus upgrade was worth it assuming the speeds stay at the faster levels. I hope your download speeds are better after this "fix".
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Things appear to be working now. I use the Brave browser by default, but I keep other browsers loaded on my system. I found that I had to perform the repair steps in Firefox first, then reboot my system. After the reboot, I ran RealDownloader from the dropdown tab at the top of the window in Firefox. When downloading a video from YT, the speeds had improved up to 16Mbps in the Firefox browser. I then closed Firefox and opened Brave and performed a similar YT download by running RealDownloader from the START menu since I do not get a dropdown tab in the Brave browser. The download speeds in the Brave browser had also improved, up to 16 Mbps. Hopefully there are no shenanigans after the fix. System users have to be wary these days...
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