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After latest upgrade we get a MF_E_TOPO_CODEC_NOT_FOUND


3 commenti

  • RN Support

    Does this happen to all videos you play or only one or specific MP4s? We have never seen this error message before but from the looks of it, the particular video has some codecs that is not supported by RealPlayer. Can you also confirm if the same video played well before you got the update?

  • Rich Real Player Parr

    This happens to any thing that I down loaded or created prior to 2017. It includes .mp4 s that we converted by your converted that I always check after conversion. It also includes files that were created from the then current version of Premier Elements at that time. File in that time period straight from the camera also show a need for a Codec. The downloads and creations I have done over the last few months all appear to play correctly. I opened the files that failed in Real Player with VLC  Media Player and they all played correctly there even though they were missing a codec in Real Player. 


  • RN Support

    Installing the K-Lite codec pack often helps to fix issues related to playback. You can install it from the link below:

    After installing the codec, restart your computer and try playing the videos again.

    If the issue persists, please let us know.


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