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realplayer premium


1 commento

  • Trevor Siggers

    I cannot get an answer from RealPlayer about my actual subscriptions details . I have a Premium Account but I can't find out when my subs are due for renewal. I get a note when I go onto the 'Plans' page and I read (cancelled) in brackets. I've emailed Real player and not had a reply yet. I cannot burn a playlist onto a cd so I can enjoy the music when I travel in the car. This all happened since Christmas. It is all most frustrating when up until now I have had many years of pleasure creating compilations for my own use. I can't even play a cd in Realplayer even though my computer says the DVD/CD Drive  Drive D on my Desktop is working properly.

    Can anyone give me a phone number to ring. How do I undo a 'disabled' note for burning tracks?


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