DVD Burn - Video is Black and White and Slanted - A SOLUTION
When you download a video from You Tube, using Real Downloader, check the size of the video quality on the right hand side of the downloader box, as the video downloads. Videos in 480 video quality seem prone to going black and white and diagonal when burnt to DVD. Videos in 720 and higher, burn without issue.
If you download a video in 480 video quality, convert it to WMV using Real Converter (right click on your video, choose EDIT then CONVERT), and then burn the converted copy. It will be restored to a full colour picture.
(Only WMV works, if you convert to RealMediaHD, the video will be straightened, but will be squashed into a strange letter box size, still in Black and White but with a green shadow to the left of every outline, Converting to MP4 makes no difference, the video stays Black and White and Diagonal).
Thanks for this info. I have been having this problem since last year and cannot tell you how many DVDs it affected. I followed your instructions above, converted the files to WMV and the DVDs came out fine. Thanks again.
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