Firefox lags, freezes, and/or crashes after updating
I'm currently running...I don't know what version of Firefox is the most current. For a while, I wasn't able to download videos. I see now that this was a known issue, and that Real has fixed it. And I did get the update that I'm assuming corrected it. That was 2 days ago. Ever since then, Firefox has been lagging, hanging, freezing, crashing, and it did something REALLY weird with YouTube and switching to another tab. Chrome, on the other hand, is fine except for my usual issues involving my internet. Why is this happening? How can it be fixed? Is it something Real or Mozilla can resolve?
In order to investigate this issue further, please let us know what exact version of Firefox and RealPlayer you are using.
To learn how to check your Firefox version, please see: Find browser version
To find out what RealPlayer version you have, check out: How can I tell what version of RealTimes (RealPlayer) I have on my PC?
I am having a similar problem with Firefox & RP. I have the most versions of Firefox & RP. Both have been updated. Yet, I am unable to use RP to download videos from YouTube and other sites. However, RP works fine with Internet Explorer. Can this problem be fixed, either by Mozilla or RP?
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If you are not seeing the Download This Video button in Firefox, please try the steps from this article:
Using Download This Video in Google Chrome, Edge, and Firefox
If you're having a different problem, please explain what happens exactly when you try to download a video so we can assist you further. If you are receiving an error message, please send us a screen shot - here's how:
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It's Firefox 54.0.1 (most current) and RealPlayer (most current).
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Oh, but I do have the Download button. That finally came back with this last RP update.
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Also, how about creating your own post about your issue rather than trying to hijack mine when it's completely different.
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Hi Sarah,
We need to find out if the freezing is a Firefox issue by itself or it is cased by RealPlayer. To make a test you would have to remove RealPlayer to observe the behavior of Firefox without RealPlayer.
In the meantime, you may try to reset Firefox as described here:
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im having a similar issue to and its not the 1st time i had firefox and rp on my other laptop some while ago and got similar issues, i assumed it was that firefox was garbage, but i have been using this laptop on ff for some while and although not perfect it seemed to run ok, i only recently installed rp again and now firefox keeps freezing and lagging after being open some while, like when i type stuff i can write a sentence and it wont show then jump and catch up, it gradually gets worse untill it just becomes unusable and i have to alt-ctrl-del and close it in task manager, it is not a memory or cpu issue as they are by no means maxed out its an i7 with 8gb dell m4600 when i look in task mngr ive tried deleting history and cookies, ive tried registry repairs and clean ups restarts etc its ok for a while then like i say pogressively gets worse till it has to be restarted again, ive just checked the ff version and it was 55.0.3 i think but it updated to 56.0 when i did it i will report any change if it does but from past experience no amount of ff updates improves the situation rp version
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1- Please let us know the outcome after the updating Firefox. In the meantime, when the issue occur again, please remove RealPlayer and check how Firefox behaves without RealPlayer.
2- Reset Firefox as described here:
3- Install RealPlayer.
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Most recent version of Firefox, most recent version of RealPlayer.
I reset Firefox, I uninstalled RealPlayer. Firefox was working perfectly. I reinstalled RealPlayer, it started lagging and freezing again.
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I've sent you an email. We'll take it from there.