

unable to download from youtube



  • RN Support

    We are not aware of any such issues. Would you please provide us with an example of a URL so we could test it in-house?

    Please make sure you have the latest version of RealPlayer installed.


  • Paul Hicks

    I tried a number of differing one that I had used many times before and don't have a clue how to find a url whatever that may be 

  • RN Support

    URL is the website address of the video you are trying to play. Play a video and copy the full website address and paste it here.

    Have you tried reinstalling RealPlayer?

  • Paul Hicks

    I have just bought it again after the old one went wonky and installed it as directed over the old one as a newer version which according to your instructions was the correct thing to do . I'm no computer expert I just click the buttons I'm directed to and trust that the company im buying off has set everything up correctly .

  • RN Support

    If you are still having issues with downloading, please let us know.

  • Paul Hicks

    I have given up for today as its pointless everything I try does not alter it . well I suppose a lesson learnt about what I buy

  • RN Support

    URL is the website address of the video you are trying to play. Play a video and copy the full website address and paste it here. This is important for us to know the issue better. Also, please send us a screenshot of the error message you see.

  • Robert Craig

    To Realpalyer, your "unable to download fix" does not seem to work. It didn't work for me and it seems by the comments below, it didn't work for them. Likewise, I was about to purchase the full Real Time verson, thinking it would make a difference. Due to the helpful comments below, I will save my money and not purchase the full version. It should point out, over the years I have used realplayer and it has been my go to in recent years until the last several months, sadly. RIP realplayer, RIP. 



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