Changes device
We understand that you need some help; however, the exact nature of the problem you are having is not clear to us.
Before we can help you, we will need some more information. Could you please be more specific about the problem you are having? Please describe exactly what it is that you are trying to do and include any error messages that you may receive. It can also be helpful to include what your computer's operating system is and what web browser you're using. The more specific you are, the better we will be able to assist you.
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I use the Window 2019 version and Chrome.
I simply want to de-authorize the MSI ;laptop computer which I no longer use and authorize my new Acer laptop computer. Right now when I right-click on a file I don't see the Option Upload or Mve to RealPlayer cloud.
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We see a free account under your email address. Free accounts don't come with any Cloud storage. If you are paying for Cloud storage, you probably have it under a different email address.
To register RealPlayer on your new computer, you will need to install and sign in.
You can install RealPlayer on your new computer by following the instructions from the below link.
If you have a paid account, you will need to sign in to activate your paid features. Here are instructions to sign in:
Please let us know if you have additional questions.
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Thank you for your reply.
Before we communicated, I had installed Real Player Cloud on my new computer. Before I buy anything I wanted to use the free space that is available.
Indeed when i opened and signed-in. It said right there that I have zero out of 1GB used. Under that, i have the option to either record a video or upoad to Cloud. That is under my user name
So, what is the exact situation. Do I have access to that space or not? If not then take it off from my Profile. If I do then I have to de-authorize the old MSI computer and authorize the Acer computer.
I sinceraly hope my message is clear.
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Our latest product is RealPlayer v.18. RealPlayer Cloud is an older version which we don't support any longer. It would help if you could send us a screenshot of your RealPlayer so we know exactly which version you are using.
If it says 0GB out of 1GB available, it means that you have files worth 1GB already uploaded to the Cloud. You can view these files by sign into the Cloud by clicking this link.
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As requested,, here is the Screenshot:
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Thank you for sending the screenshot. This is the older version which we don't support any longer.
Please follow the instructions from the below link to resolve your issue.
Please note: If you have any playlists created, you will have to recreate them.
This will get you on the latest version of RealPlayer.
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I am trying to follwo your instructions but I can't find RealPlayer in neither Program Files or Program Files 86.
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I have access to the RealPLayer Cloud (the old version which you no longer support}.
First I don't know why the old version downloaded in the first place. I got a new computer and I downloaded RealPlayer just a few days ago and I got the od version for which I have access to 1GB of free space. Now I am stuck with it as it is of no use at all.
Can I just rightclick the program and unsinstall it from there? An then install the last version.
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When I go to Control Panel and Uninstall Program, RealPlayer is not listed there. It seems the only place I can uninstall it is by Clicking Start, find RealPlayer, rigth-click it and press uninstall?
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We sent you an email. We'll take it from there.