

"No videos to download on this page"



  • RN Support

    Can you please provide us with the following information:

    1. Open a Windows Folder.
    2. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer.
    3. Look for a file named videodl.exe.
    4. Right click on this file and click Properties --> Details tab
    5. Please let me know what the file version reads as?

  • Michael Stevens

    This issue has happened before, but was cured.  The same problem has occurred again two days ago in 2020.  Fingers crossed,  RealNetworks will work to solve the difficulty.

  • Michael Stevens

    In addition to my comment above, RealNetworks have worked very hard and promptly solved the problem for me.  It involved clicking  "Check for Update" on the drop down button for Real Player on the opening page. The update process was initiated and the program re-installed.  Everything works just fine and my thanks go out to the team for providing me with a great service.

    My platform is Windows 10.

    : )

  • James Smith

    On my computer I looked for a file named 'videodl.exe' and I came across 'videodl' instead. When I clicked on it a box came up with a black background on it and no other text/information.

  • RN Support


    On the file videodl, please right click and click Properties. You would see a Details tab. You should be seeing the file version here.

    Please do not double click it.



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