Bart Barton
- 合計アクティビティ 15
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- サブスクリプション 6
Bart Bartonによる最近のアクティビティ-
No downloading on You Tube again.
On Feb 17, 2023 You Tube stopped downloading to Realplayer again. This seems to occur about every 6 months. You folks at Realplayer should be checking You Tube Videos every 3 months to see if YT ...
Downloading from You Tube.
Is there a glich in RLP, or is this from the You Tube side? Can not download certain Videos. Are others having this same problem?
Video Plays yet, no sound.
Within the last 36 hours no sound on new downloads or old ones. I have sound on the other Video players. I have followed directions to bring back the sound yet , still no sound.
Does not Videos from Library after reinstalling.