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- 合計アクティビティ 119
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- フォロー 2ユーザー
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- 投票 5
- サブスクリプション 51
null nullによる最近のアクティビティ-
By Signing in after you have re-installed the player. It will upgrade to plus again, automatically.
Upgrading to windows 11 will NOT HELP. As CS Say they have sent the problems to Production Team. WAIT till they come up with a Solution. WE ARE ALL WAITING HERE, for them.
Jantwo Jan Just think, Remembering what happened last time, a screen came up saying Update, that has fixed downloading issues. Ending up in a Support Nightmare for at least a month! Here we go agai...
seems to be the Question of this Year, It GETS WORSE with every update! I am considering going elsewhere, for a downloader, if their is One!
Yes that is a problem. Here is a solution. Contact your bank for a new card with a new number, then look into the possability that your bank may have something like Disposable Cards, that you use o...
Me too. I had been working on the problem, since last update. Scratch that.... The reason I upgraded WAS THE EXTREMELY S L O W downloads, especially from YOU TUBE!!! Just think, I was almost angry ...
And since i am experiencing the same thing, I ALMOST got Premium just to get past this slow downloads. GLAD I DID'nt!
Happens to me too, Mate! It has happened for the past several days, and I am Jacked, of this who thing. I am at the point of frustration. This I think, and Real Player, could really be mad at me fr...
Try VLC free player.
I had the same problem, just bookmark the download point and revisit it later, try again. I guess it has something to do with bandwith and the availabilty of downloading. When the downloading queue...