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A scam of a company - Zero care - Zilch support


3 Kommentare

  • RN Support

    We fixed this problem. Please try again.

  • Effell Laniado

    The problem that you say you have fixed has been there for at least a week, that is since I first had a need to use it, and probably before for god knows how long. Any respomsible company would make periodic cheques to ensure that at the very least it's support system is working. As for trying to see if it is fixed, after wasting hours of my time trying to get the downloader to function, I gave up in desparation and have now purchased the YTS downloader. Maybe you now have the decency to refund my money.

    As for using the drop down flag on Firefox, Chrome & Edge, I have been a user of the Brave Browser for the past 5 years the function is not available on Brave.

    Yours Faithfully
    F Laniado

  • RN Support

    We don't support Brave browser. The downloader works only for Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers.


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