No downloading on You Tube again.
On Feb 17, 2023 You Tube stopped downloading to Realplayer again. This seems to occur about every 6 months. You folks at Realplayer should be checking You Tube Videos every 3 months to see if YT is changing its codes. Just saying they seem to do this at least twice a year. You can keep up with YT folks and out fox them.
With regards to the inability to download videos, we were able to identify the root cause and our engineering team was able to resolve it. To be able to download videos again, please follow these steps.
1. Attempt to download any video of your choice (You will still have the same error).
2. Simply restart your computer.
3. Upon restarting your computer, the Downloader will be updated in the backend and your downloads should start working.
If the issue still persists, please let us know.
We thank you for your patience while we actively worked on resolving this issue.0 -
Well I just did your above suggestion and restarted like you said, and the issue still persists
What do we do now?
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Sharma at Realplayer wrote to contact them. This is all I got on Email from them. So far I've downloaded 3 vids from YT.
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I did above what was suggested above 5 times, still no downloads
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how do i get in touch with a real person from realplayer? instead of just seeing the generic redundant response that says we should do this or that so we can download youtube videos again. because i've done so and nothing
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Will not BS you. All I've done is write in a way that sticks out from the others. I always seem to reach the attention Of this Sharma. I have been doing this for many years. It can take up to 2 days to get a reply. I know this is not what you wanted to see. Just keep trying. I'm no Tec guy. Write as if you Know this Sharma. Hope I have Given you some hope. Thanks,
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Apparently, we now have to PAY for youtube premium, to be able to download. And that is BS. I'm going to a different platform
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that was my initial thought but why just youtube? i can download videos from others sites like before except the ones you have to pay to subscribe to like hulu and netflix.
and regarding the person who told me about sharma. i do appreciate your help but without a last name i have no idea on how to contact this sharma. this really gives me little or nothing to go on
thanks anyways
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I understand your frustration null null. Mine started downloading youtube again early this morning on both my PC's and I don't have youtube premium. I don't know why it works now but at least we know Youtube can still be downloaded.
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Thanks Robert.
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If the bellow instructions were followed correctly, the version should be 2023.2.17.0.
1. Attempt to download any video of your choice (You will still have the same error).
2. Simply restart your computer after this.
3. Upon restarting your computer, the Downloader will be updated in the backend and your downloads should start working.
Please check your version after this. You can go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer. Right click on videodl and click Properties and then the Details tab. The version number is found here.
If the number has not changed and still shows 2022.10.6.0, it means Windows is blocking the update.
Please note: These instructions won't work for older versions such as RealPlayer v.18 or older. Versions 18 or earlier have reached end of life support.
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I tried that, twice (before I came here), and even uninstalled, and reinstalled, and I still cannot download from youtube
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Videodl is still showing 2022.10.6.0 despite doing what you advise. How do I stop Windows from blocking the update?
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Please follow these steps additional steps to resolve your issue.
1. Open a Windows folder
2. Go to C:\ProgramData\Real\RealUpgrade
3. Delete all the files in this folder (Caution: Please make sure you are deleting these files correctly and not any other files in a different folder)
4. Restart PC.
5. Follow the 3 steps we originally provided again.
6. Restart PC once more. (This should update the videodl)If the issue still persists, please let us know.
Please note: RealPlayer v.18 or older versions have reached End of Life support. Please upgrade to RealPlayer 22.
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I have done exactly as you advise (note to others: it is necessary to “show hidden files” to get to ProgramData) but videodl is still showing as 2022.10.6.0 and I still cannot download from YT. I am running Windows 11.
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What version of RealPlayer are you using, Trevor?
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Version is purchased 16th January 2023 and fully updated.
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Trevor, we sent you an email. We'll take it from there.
We have noticed that from 28th February, 2023 certain websites have started to throttle the download speeds. We don't control how these websites control their content. However, our engineering team is looking into it.
At this time, there is very little we can do but we will update this page with more information as we have.
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