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Realdownloader not working on Apps.


12 comentarios

  • RN Support

    Are you using the Downloader on a PC or a mobile device?

  • null null

    On a PC

  • RN Support

    Can you please let us know the following information:

    Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer.
    Right click on videodl and click Properties and then the Details tab.

    Please provide us with the version number you see there.

    Could you also provide us with a sample URL that you are unable to download and the web browser you are using? Lastly, what version of RealPlayer and Windows have you installed?

  • null null

    Product Version 2023.7.19.0 it doesn't work on the app.

    I have RealPlayer Version

    and download Videos from Microsoft Edge with Windows 11.

  • RN Support

    That is the correct version. Any specific error messages? Would you want us to remotely troubleshoot the issue for you?

  • jean pierre carton

    c est vraiment du foutage de gueule vous avez des capture d ecran et ca y est tout vas bien pour vous vous me gonflez serieux la on paie pour un produit a vous de decouvrir d ou viens la panne et on agis en consequence j attends votre reponse ok

  • jean pierre carton

    c est que le pc    j ai la bonne versions comme vous l avez ecrit et le telechargement est impossible  et je n ai pas windows 11  que windows 10 et la plus rien ne marche ca vous genes pas de nous retirais sur le compte la c est bien mais comme ca marche pas je vois pas pourquoi on vous bloquerais pas car vous ne respecter pas votre contrat ok alors j attends au plus vite une reponses car je vois que je suis pas le seul qui se plaignent de votre application

  • RN Support


    We offered help to you but you rejected it. We also refunded your money and cancelled your subscription. Either you are willing and accommodating to be helped or stop complaining. While not an ideal situation, we understand that issues come up once in a while and our support team is more than happy to find a solution for our users. If you are being rude and not willing to be helped, there is nothing much we can do to help. We are requesting you once again. 

    Can you please let us know the following information:

    Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer.
    Right click on videodl and click Properties and then the Details tab.

    Please provide us with the version number you see there.

    Could you also provide us with a sample URL that you are unable to download and the web browser you are using? 

  • null null

    Yes thanks, I'm sorry I was away last week.

    The Downloader File Version is 2023.7.19.0

    and the Downloader product version is 2023.7.19.0

    An example of a URL App which Downloader couldn't download videos from was, but this seems to be working now.

    Is there an issue with downloading videos from Facebook?.

  • jean pierre carton

    je vais re essayer de l installer en esperant que ca re fonctionnr

  • RN Support


    After you reinstalled RealPlayer, please follow the steps from this link.


  • RN Support

    Yes, there seems to be an issue with Facebook & Instagram. Looks like they made changes on their end which broke the ability to download. While we don't control how other websites handle their content, our engineers are looking to see if there are other ways to download videos from these websites.


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