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real player cant download videos on this page


40 comentarios

  • Comentario oficial
    RN Support

    With regards to the inability to download videos, we were able to identify the root cause and our engineering team was able to resolve it. To be able to download videos again, please follow these steps.

    1. Attempt to download any video of your choice (You will still have the same error).
    2. Simply restart your computer.
    3. Upon restarting your computer, the Downloader will be updated in the backend and your downloads should start working.
    If the issue still persists, please let us know.


  • Dennis Allan

    It happens quite often to me as well, gets rather irritating when it happens.  Send message to real player and hope they reply is all I can say, or go to face book and beg for help.


  • Dennis Allan

    funny I can't find realplayer on face book now, guess I will have to wait for a reply on my help request I sent them; I guess they will tell me to delete my program and download again like they told me in the past, but I am tired to deleting and downloading it.


  • RN Support

    Can you please let us know the following information:

    1. Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer.
    2. Right click on videodl and click Properties and then the Details tab.

    Please provide us with the version number you see there.

    Could you also provide us with a sample URL that you are unable to download and the web browser you are using? Lastly, what version of RealPlayer and Windows do you have installed?

  • null null

    How do I find out what version of real player I have?

  • RN Support

    To know what version of RealPlayer you have, please follow the steps from this link.


  • RN Support

    Meanwhile, please let us know if you can download videos from YouTube. If you are able to download from YouTube, this particular website must have blocked their videos from being downloaded. You will need to contact the web administrator of that website.

  • null null

    I am able to download from YouTube however a couple months ago I had the same problem with this website I couldn’t download videos with real player and then weeks later I was able to download videos could it be maybe it’s just a glitch on the site

  • RN Support

    We don't control how websites manage their content. You will need to contact them directly.

  • null null

    Were you able to download a video from the link I posted

  • RN Support

    No, we couldn't download either. 

  • Candace Brtek

    I'm getting the same thing, Can't download from any sites. Please fix it. Thanks

  • RN Support


    Can you please let us know the following information:

    1. Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer.
    2. Right click on videodl and click Properties and then the Details tab.

    Please provide us with the version number you see there.

    Could you also provide us with a sample URL that you are unable to download and the web browser you are using? Lastly, what version of RealPlayer and Windows do you have installed?

  • James Smith

    Real player is again messing up on YouTube. It's saying "can't download videos on this page". What the hell is going on?

  • Terry Ardeno

    All of a sudden, I can't burn videos from my library. When I first purchased RealPlayer years ago, it was a "One time charge of" and I don't recall the amount. Several years ago, the exact same scenario occurred. Since this is such really great way to burn DVDs I paid another "One time fee".

    ***This is my main point. The last time I paid the money, when the updated RealPlayer was installed, it did not take my saved files with this update. All were gone.

    Now, since I can't even get the RealPlayer to show the "120 Minutes" to burn (it says 0 ), if I pay for this new version RealPlayer 22 Plus, will all my saved  videos be deleted again?  I have around 800 waiting to be burned, so does anyone know how to buy another updated version that won't delete all my files. Thank you!

  • RN Support


    Can you please let us know the following information:

    1. Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer.
    2. Right click on videodl and click Properties and then the Details tab.

    Please provide us with the version number you see there.

    Could you also provide us with a sample URL that you are unable to download and the web browser you are using? Lastly, what version of RealPlayer and Windows do you have installed?

  • RN Support


    We see that you purchased RealPlayer Plus 20/20. If you installed RealPlayer 22, you will need to upgrade to activate Plus features in RealPlayer 22 as this is a different product with additional new features. If you want to upgrade, please let us know. As a loyal user, you are eligible for a discount.

    If you don't want to upgrade, you will need to uninstall RealPlayer 22 and install RealPlayer 20/20. You can install RealPlayer 20/20 by clicking this link.

    Once you have installed RealPlayer 20/20, you will need to sign into it to activate your Plus features.


  • Terry Ardeno

    Real CS, thank you for responding! Yes, I have to update because I have a huge collection of downloads saved on RealPlayter.  

    The last time I uploaded the latest, it erased all my saved videos to download.  Will this update erase my files?

    Please let me know what and how I buy the updated version. Thanks again!

  • James Smith

    I'm happy to report that I no longer need real players help. I just restarted the desktop service and now I can download videos from YouTube again.

  • Terry Ardeno

    About a week ago, I posted this message; 

    "Real CS, thank you for responding! Yes, I have to update because I have a huge collection of downloads saved on RealPlayter.  

    The last time I uploaded the latest, it erased all my saved videos to download.  Will this update erase my files?

    Please let me know what and how I buy the updated version. Thanks again!"

    Real CS, when I bought the original RealPlayerk, after a few years it stoppped being able to burn. When I bought an updated  RealPlayer , all my saved videos were gone.  I started another collection afte rI bought this 3rd edcidition RealPlayer.. 

    ***So I need to get another RealPlayer as we spoke in the above posts. But, WILL THIS NEW IN STALLATION WIPE OUT MY COKLKLECTION LIKE THE OTHER UPDATYESD DID?

    It just needs a burn-plug.

    Thanks for any help!


  • RN Support

    Installing RealPlayer won't wipe out your library contents. All your videos are actually stored in your PC's hard disk. RealPlayer is only a media player that will add the videos to its library. If you stored your videos outside of Videos folder, you will have to manually add that particular folder to your Watch folder. You can do this by going into RealPlayer's Preference setting. 

    Please note: By default, RealPlayer will look at the Videos folder in your C drive.

    If you are changing computers, you will have to manually transfer your files over to the new computer.

  • Terry Ardeno

    Real CS, thank you for that response. As I mentioned, since I can't burrn anything in this 3rd RealPlayer I've purchased., I will definitely need to purchase RealPlayer for the 4th time now..  As you stated above, you were very kind  to offer the updated ver5sio9n at a discount. Thsnk you for that. How much will it be and how do I go about making the transaction? Again, thank you for helping with this issue!

  • Terry Ardeno

    This is what I received 17 days ago.....

    RN Support

    We see that you purchased RealPlayer Plus 20/20. If you installed RealPlayer 22, you will need to upgrade to activate Plus features in RealPlayer 22 as this is a different product with additional new features. If you want to upgrade, please let us know. As a loyal user, you are eligible for a discount.

    As I've said, I DO need to upgrade again. Please give me instructions on how to receive a discount. This will be the 4th time I've purchased RealPlayrer.

    Thank you!

  • RN Support


    Please click this link and sign in to avail your discount.


  • Terry Ardeno

    RN  Support,

    Thank you for the nice discount on my re-installing RealPlayer. Much appreciated!

    ***However, just like the last 2 times I upgraded, my stored library is gone. I specifically asked

    about this possibility in my interactions on here. Any way at all I can recover them?


  • RN Support

    Are you saying that the library becomes empty if you install the upgrade on the same PC and not on a new PC?

  • Terry Ardeno

    RN Support5,

    I found them! I went back and re-read your responses to me. I logged out

    then, in again. They're all there!,

    Many thanks~!


  • RN Support

    That's wonderful!

  • Stephen Hawthorne

    My downloader stopped working today

    It worked on Wednesday February 15th

    So, I uninstalled RealPlayer and reinstalled

    Still did not work


  • Stephen Hawthorne

    Videos from YouTube and other sites


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