

Real Player Prämium ?



  • RN Support

    We don't offer support in German. We see that you purchased RealPlayer Plus v.18 under monikaheidrich.1@web.de  and not under monikaheidrich.1@gmx.de . If you installed RealPlayer 22, you will need to upgrade to activate Plus features in RealPlayer 22 as this is a different product with additional new features. If you want to upgrade, please let me know. As a loyal user, you are eligible for a discount.

    If you don't want to upgrade, you will need to uninstall RealPlayer 22 and install RealPlayer v.18. You can install RealPlayer v.18 by clicking this link.


    Once you have installed RealPlayer v.18, you will need to sign into it with monikaheidrich.1@web.de  to activate your Plus features.

    Please note: We will not be making any more updates or bug fixes in this version.



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