

Downloads ok, but cannot find .flv file



  • Al Hufschmidt

    A quick update - even more perplexing:

    My save file preferences are in the RealDownloader Folder.

    I tried re-booting, and actually found a downloaded file in DOWNLOADS!

    I again browsed and assigned RealDownloader as the folder where files should be saved.  Downloaded the same file as before, and it did not show up in DOWNLOADS or in RealDownloader.



  • RN Support

    Please follow these instructions to know exactly where the files are being stored.

    1. Open RealPlayer

    2. Go to Videos tab

    3. Right click on a video that you downloaded and click "Locate File" (This will open the actual folder where the file is stored)

    Please let us know where this location is.

  • Al Hufschmidt

    Files are going into DOWNLOADS - 

    I have checked and re-checked my preferences . . . I browse and select REAL PLAYER DOWNLOADS for all downloads.  But they will not go there.  They go to regular DOWNLOADS.

    Thanks for helping.

  • Al Hufschmidt

    I have two, similar DELL laptops.  The other laptop is set up the same way with the preferences - and it works as expected.  This one is not working right.

    Could the file structure be goofed up a little?

    I have: Videos

    then Real Times is in Videos

    then 2 folders - RealDownloader and Realplayer Downloads in the RealTimes Folder.  Just looks different ???

  • RN Support

    Thank you for your detailed explanation. Based on what you have described, it tells me that you had an old version of RealPlayer installed on this computer that is causing the problem. In the earlier version, all downloaded videos would be stored in a folder named RealPlayer Downloads and the newer versions would store videos in a folder named RealDownloader. 

    The best solution for you would be to move all contents from RealPlayer Downloads folder to your RealDownloader folder under RealTimes folder. Once that is done, you can delete the old folder RealPlayer Downloads. 

    This would allow all downloaded files to be stored in one single folder. If by doing this and it still looks wacky, please let us know.

  • Al Hufschmidt

    Sounded great - but did not work.

    Did exactly as you described.  Then set my preferences for videos to go to RealDownloader and for converted MP3's to go to the MP3 folder in RealDownloader.

    Downloaded a music video from Youtube - but it went to my downloads.  The converted .MP3 went into a MP3 FOLDER which was created in my downloads.  In addition, another folder REAL MEDIA HD was created in my downloads, and another copy of the video was in that folder. ?????

    Shall I delete the software and reload?


  • Al Hufschmidt

    Trying RESTART first.  Just in case.


  • Al Hufschmidt

    Nope - same result after restart.


  • RN Support

    We sent you an email. We'll take this offline.



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