

Download This Video Button



  • RN Support

    Can you please let us know the following information:

    1. Please go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer.
    2. Right click on videodl and click Properties and then the Details tab.

    Please provide us with the version number you see there.

    Could you also provide us with a sample URL that you are unable to download and the web browser you are using?

  • Wayne Hoyt

    Version 2022.4.8.0

    URL =  https://youtu.be/JOVQ4vAmM7Y

    Google Chrome

    I am able to download a video from the Download A Video option by inserting the URL.  Previously, I was able to hover over the video and a Download this Video box would pop up to click on.  This doesn't work now.  Also, the copy/paste and back buttons do not work.

    How can I go back to the previous version which worked fine?

  • Tom Langan

    I am having the same problem with the new version of Real Player. Tom

  • RN Support


    We just tried the same video and the Downloader button was able to detect the video and the video downloaded by clicking it. Can you please restart your PC and try again?


    Can you also please restart your PC and try again.

    If both of you are not able to download videos again by clicking the Downloader button, please let us know.

  • Wayne Hoyt

    No change from previous concerns.  The "download this video" box still does not appear when I hover my mouse over a youtube video.  Also, the copy/paste and back buttons still don't work.

  • Tom Langan

    I restarted my computer and Real Player. I still do not get a download button when running Real Player in Chrome.

    Tom Langan
  • RN Support


    We sent you an email. We'll take it from there.



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