null null
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null nullさんの最近のアクティビティ-
null nullさんが投稿を作成しました:
Why is th DOWNLOADER NOT WORKING????? Seems to a a Theme here the PAST TWO MONTHS. WHY?
null nullさんがコメントを作成しました:
Yea, Went to the gtm, came back, CANNOT DOWNLOAD VIDEO.
null nullさんがコメントを作成しました:
I am suprised too.Strange.
null nullさんが投稿を作成しました:
Does ANYONE Know WHY we Cannot Download Videos Especially YOUTUBE?
DOES ANYONE know WHY we Cannot Download Videos From YOU TUBE? I had been in a Drought!!!! UNABLE for DAYS Not being able to download Videos from YOU TUBE. ANYONE, Know why?
null nullさんがコメントを作成しました:
I found VLC Player also Records Videos. A bit complicated at first, good for a quick learner. Why I am not using it, I HAVE NO IDEA, almost ready to learn VLC, and its abilities. Hope that helps, L...
null nullさんがコメントを作成しました:
In the blue button or box on top of browser that turns yellow and alerts you download is available. What you do is click it, and look towards bottom of sub menu, that pops up, there is a box, untic...
null nullさんが投稿を作成しました:
WHAT! ANOTHER YOU TUBE DOWNLOAD ISSUE? Sometimes it works BUT TODAY and Yesterday YOU TUBE DOWNLOADS NOT HAPPENING! I cannot begin to tell you RP Downloader has failed! Multible times just THIS MON...
null nullさんがコメントを作成しました:
Even with VPN? Damn Glad I did not sign up for vpn, yet. I did not need that problem with this one.
null nullさんが投稿を作成しました:
Whats this VPN Bit? Why do we HAVE to use one? VPN will Make This Work? WHY?
Whats this VPN Bit, and why is it the Possable solution. WHY do I have to us a VPN to DOWNLAD from Yoou Tube? Please Elaborate this point. I want to know before I find a VPN, If I still have to to ...
null nullさんがコメントを作成しました:
WHY? Do WE HAVE to use a VPN? What is the bloody solution? BEEN DAYS since this worked. NOW WHATS THE BLOODY PROBLEM????