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Download speed issue



  • RN Support

    We see that you purchased RealPlayer Plus v.18. If you installed RealPlayer v.20/20, you will need to upgrade to activate Plus features in RealPlayer v.20 as this is a different product with additional new features. If you want to upgrade, please let us know. As a loyal user, you are eligible for a discount.

    If you don't want to upgrade, you will need to uninstall RealPlayer v.20 and install RealPlayer v.18. You can install RealPlayer v.18 by clicking this link.

    Once you have installed RealPlayer v.18, you will need to sign into it to activate your Plus features.

    Please let us know if you have additional questions.

  • Brandon Clark

    I have RealPlayer and purchased Plus as well. This is a REALLY dirty trick to force people to pay for newer versions of RealPlayer and limiting features they once had.
    RealPlayer 18 Plus - Unlimited download speed, 1080p downloads

    Release RealPlayer 20, and now lucky to get .5Mbps download speeds in RealPlayer 18.

    Straight up dirty.

  • RN Support

    When you purchase a particular version, you will receive updates and support for the life of that version. 

    As with any product, there is a shelf life to each product. As technology changes so frequently these days, what was developed long ago may not be feasible to continue supporting after a while. You should also be aware that some of the features are dependent on other factors. For example - With RealPlayer, you can download videos from websites like etc... From time to time, they (the websites) keep changing their technologies which breaks our ability to download videos. We will have to re-engineer our downloader to be compatible with their technologies. So in the future, if YouTube decides to use a technology that is completely different from the technologies we use in RealPlayer, we are forced to make changes and may not be able to develop or maintain older version anymore. These are the reasons we end support for a version and set end of life to such products. You can take an example of Microsoft. Windows XP, Windows 7 are no more supported by them. While they may still work, new updates won't be added and many bugs won't be fixed in those versions. Same with our products too.


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