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Real Player thumbnails missing in File Explorer; icons only showing?



  • RN Support

    If you are not seeing thumbnails on MP4 files but seeing it on other formats in your File Explorer, it means that your Windows is blocking the thumbnails to show up.

    Here is one step we can offer you which again is a Windows troubleshooting step and not related to RealPlayer at all. 

    1. Right click on This PC and click Settings.
    2. Click on Advanced System settings.
    3. System Properties will open up.
    4. Click the Advanced tab and click Settings under Performance.
    5. Make sure "Show Thumbnails instead of icons" is checked.
    6. Click OK and restart your computer.

     Go back to your folders where you have your MP4 videos. Please send me a screenshot of your Folder after you restarted your computer.

  • Neale O'Brien

    Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    I had already done this, as well as the options in File Explorer and deleting the thumbnail cache - in short, I've tried everything that I know, as well as searching the Internet for solutions.

    I used to get thumbnails for all my files but, as I've said, it's only the mpeg 4 files that do not show them; all other files display them without problems. Other video files that display using VLC Player also display correctly?

    I am at a complete loss and, as I've said before, this is a real issue for me. Can anybody else offer me any more suggestions?

  • RN Support

    Are you seeing the thumbnails in the folder you have these MP4s stored? If Windows folder doesn't show, it is a Microsoft issue. If you are able to see the thumbnails in Windows folder but not in RealPlayer, then the issue is RealPlayer. It would help if you could send us a screenshot of your Windows folder where your MP4s are stored.


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