Sign in issue
We have sent you an email. We'll take it up from there.
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I have over installed several times. It will work for a few days, then I will get the same error message when I try to sign in. "Offline.html" is the error message. I just copied this from the Chat above. I am not able to sign in and therefore, cannot access my videos. I have a premium account on the phone. Do I have premium on my desktop? I do not want Real Player taking my videos and storing them WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!!!!!
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If you are still getting this message after over installing RealPlayer, something in your Windows should be conflicting with the sign in window. We sent you an email and we can troubleshoot from there. We don't have access to your videos.
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what is with this html sign in errors? stop telling people to uninstall and then reinstall because that does not do a dam thing....And stop telling them to just reinstall over it which seems to be your reply to everyone...(The problem is on your side and it has to to with mistaken time out errors) ....I am tired of coming up with all these software companies whats wrong with there own products .....Its a time out error is why it will not let you sign in...If you are lucky to get the form it will not go through and turn into and html offline document !!!!!!!!!!! You (realplayer) stop telling people to just install over it because its not a fix and thats what you are telling people to do....
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We reached out to you more than a month ago requesting a remote session. You didn't respond to it. Please respond to our email and we can resolve it for you.
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Yes you did ....I was willing to do the remote session and I replied to call me to make an appt..for a convenient time for both of us ..but it was misinterpreted as if I was saying to do the session by phone.......
Since the the new roll out of the new platform 24 there has been ALOT of issues with alot of people and they are just being to told to install or reinstall realplayer over the existing one they have whether it be version 24 22 or even 20 again over it and then you can download age restricted AND 4K videos and then it would work again. This is VERY INCORRECT (It makes the problems and glitches worse) So I worked on it for a while on my own for about 2 weeks to come come up with a fix because I got BOTH versions 24 and 22 to download age restricted videos and in Videos in 4k....(BUT I find your new 24 platform only downloads 4k in a 4k webm format. Webm may be a decent format codec ...But it does not play well with other programs,Software or hardware so to speak..(Not like Mp4 4k format on the 22 platform which still does works the best with most other hardware and software programs.
(So if I was to keep the 24 platform I would have to convert all 4k webm videos to mp4 anyway)
BUT There Is A Catch ,,once I got both versions working ,,If you fuss with Realplayer in any way shape or form by Reinstalling over it..or trying to upgrade or dowgrade Realplayer to a different platform or even the same again, Or a clean install of realplayer in any fashion IT Will Bring ALL Of The problems right back again...
The fix that I came up with that I did was to reinstall Windows OS system then install realplayer to fix a couple exe files, dlls and codes that somehow are the problem when you reinstall over it (As what you are telling everyone to do) the fix that I have done Like I said is to reinstall the Windows operating system to fix YOUR codes ,dlls and exe files that for some reason either breaks or goes missing everytime you fuss with any of the platforms. It because of a conflict with Windows or other programs.
But make no mistake ,it is your exe files, codes and dlls that are causing the conflicts with the Windows OS or other software programs. As for the html offline sign in problen I worked on that for 2 days and again its a code and exe file conflict that the your software interperts with the Windows OS as a Time out session error where a sign up or sign in form all you get are html offline form (which you cannot sign in or try to sign up on a html offline form) as you can see below I wrote back so for all 3 problems hopefully people would see it and fix it that way..(I hate reinstalling windows (It does not have to be a clean install) you can reinstall and keeping your personel files but that is the only way to fix all 3 all problems. (But when you get it fixed..DO NOT uninstall or reinstall or install over realplayer for what ever reason because then you will not be able to dowload in 4k or Age restricted videos again.(Then you have to repeat the the whole process over again to fix it). If you still want to look are around on a remote asst I have no problem with that..But I figued out for all 3 problems that its a couple of exe files and a couple of codes that are causing the problem...AND also I paid for 22 BUT after I came up with this fix I was able to use every single feature on ANY version INCLUDING 24 if I wanted to...Below is what I wrote the other day before I did the windows reinstall fix and it ALL versions of realplayer (Inluding 24) the 3 major issues were fixed and worked fine on all versions..The 4k download problem,, age restricted download problem and the html sign in or sign up form problem...The only thing that I have not come up with a fix for after what I desribed as above is a play the list download errors. It used to wiz 500 videos or more dowloads on playlist with no errors at all on any videos....But now you are lucky to get 10 videos at the most and then the rest are (unable to dowload) is what it said.
But I can't say it enough is once a customer gets do this fix to work in 4k and age resticted videos (LEAVE IT ALONE) or the issue comes right back on 24, will not download in 4k or age restricted videos. BUT 22 will still dowlaod in 4k mp4 which is what I perfer so that is what I kept But it will stop being able to download age restricted videos (And 22 is what I paid for. but if I wanted 24 I would be able to use every single feature without paying for a upgrade because I am already considered a pro member because of my realplayer 22 purchase) I am telling you this as detailed as I can because it took me weeks of trial and error to come up with a fix with all 3 issues and to keep them from coming back. Below is the comment I left before the windows reinstall (which I despise doing because it takes me days to put everything back the way I want It) But realplayer is not the first software problem where the only fix is a windows reinstall....I have had to do this with other software products also...So have to do all that work just for a couple of programs to function correctly again it is VERY frustrating. But if you want all your software and hardware to function correct.Even if its just one program it will affect other programs..I hope I wrote this in detail so that you can understand the reason why this is happing ever since the 24 rollout which affected other versions of realplayer..Below is what I wrote the other night after I concluded that it was exe.dll and broken or missing file codes from doing reinstall ,over installs or clean install of real player
(what is with this html offline sign in errors? stop telling people to uninstall and then reinstall because that does not do a dam thing....And stop telling them to just reinstall over it which seems to be your reply to everyone...(The problem is on your side and it has to to with mistaken time out errors) ....I am tired of coming up with all these software companies whats wrong with there own products .....Its a time out error is why it will not let you sign in...If you are lucky to get the form it will not go through and turn into and html offline document !!!!!!!!!!! You (realplayer) stop telling people to just install over it because its not a fix and thats what you are telling people to do....)
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