有料版の ダウンローダ ver.22 が利用できません。
PCのOSを再設置後にRealplayerをまた設置したら新しいバージョン24がインストールされ、以前購入した有料版のDownloader ver.22が利用できません。
We see that you purchased RealPlayer Downloader Express 22. If you installed RealPlayer 24, you will need to upgrade to activate Downloader Express features in RealPlayer 24 as this is a different product with additional new features.If you don't want to upgrade, you will need to uninstall RealPlayer 24 and install RealPlayer 22. You can install RealPlayer 22 by clicking this link.Once you have installed RealPlayer 22, you will need to sign into it to activate your Downloader Express features.0
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