What is up with this crappy download speed, 0.43 mbs, s l o w downloads, sometimes hang at the beginning, takes at least 2-3 min, to even begin, or:
Unable to download, the go to the next one, same, the 0.43 mbs or less and takes and hour to download a 30 min show.
I am disgusted! I also read, the support site, before i even think of upgrading, and see the same problem exists even for Premium users?
What is up with that! CS REAL SUPPORT, I NEED YOUR HELP NOW, not later, NOW!
This has been going on a bit too long and I am frustrated.
This happens in you tube EVERYWHERE, so dont ask for a link.
Win 10 professional Mozilla, as others too so dont matta, bout the browsers.
As you can see i am angry, and need answers now, so bust some heads, in the programme department, and find these bugs1
Official comment
We have identified the slow download speeds. Our engineering team is looking into it. Unfortunately, we don't have a workaround at this time. We have added your email address to the list of affected users and we will email you as soon as the issue is identified & resolved.
I AGREE, I've paid twice now in the last two years, and the "fast speed downloading" is very spotty. This company is just as bad as the utility companies with their hollow, BS promises of "fast performance", etc...
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my current experiences are, unfortunately the same
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I can watch the entire video before the download completes.
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