François Telliez
- 合計アクティビティ 9
- 前回のアクティビティ
- メンバー登録日
- フォロー 0ユーザー
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- 投票 1
- サブスクリプション 3
François Telliezさんの最近のアクティビティ-
François Telliezさんがコメントを作成しました:
Hello Amanda,Well maybe I am lucky...In fact yesterday I did as Real told to do as they had sent me a message saying they had fixed the problem.So try to download, then restart my PC and try again....
François Telliezさんがコメントを作成しました:
I had the problem too.But now it works, for YT, DM, IG and FB as far as I checked.No idea about TikTok, but for YT it works now for me.
François Telliezさんがコメントを作成しました:
It was not blocked by YT, but YT changed something, bc the problem was with YT only.No pb with IG, FB or the other sites I have checked.However I agree other downloaders did not have the pb. Real h...
François Telliezさんがコメントを作成しました:
I've just retried, on my side it's still not working for 24 hours now (last time I tried and it was working was 27 hours ago, 6 hours later it was not working anymore - I think YouTube have changed...
François Telliezさんがコメントを作成しました:
RealDownloader was working yesterday morning with YT and has stopped working in the evening.However, at the same time some online downloaders still work with YT.Also RealDownloader is actually stil...