Disable AutoUpdate preferences
How do I disable the AutoUpdate preferences in RealPlayer?
AutoUpdate keeps RealPlayer up-to-date, and provides other informational and personalized services. When RealPlayer performs an AutoUpdate, your computer communicates with RealNetworks to determine what updates are required. See the RealNetworks Privacy Policy if you have questions regarding this communication.
The AutoUpdate preferences determine how AutoUpdate interacts with your computer when it searches for new or updated components to RealPlayer. You can change these preferences to disable or enable AutoUpdate; you can also check for updates manually.
Disabling Automatic Updates
By default, RealPlayer automatically checks for updates. When you disable AutoUpdate, RealPlayer does not automatically download new software; AutoUpdate prompts you for confirmation before it downloads and installs new software. This means that RealPlayer remains in contact with RealNetworks to determine if critical software updates are required.
To disable AutoUpdate so it does not download new software automatically:
1. Click the application logo in the upper left.
2. Click Preferences.
3. In the Category pane on the left side, click AutoUpdate.
4. Click to clear the Automatically download and install important updates check box.
5. Click OK to save the change.
Note: To enable AutoUpdate again, follow the same steps, this time selecting the Automatically download and install important updates check box.
To check for new software manually:
1. Click the RealPlayer logo in the upper left. (In RealPlayer SP and older versions, open RealPlayer and click the Tools menu.)
2. Click Preferences.
3. In the Category pane on the left side, click AutoUpdate.
4. Click the Check for Update now button.
RealPlayer immediately contacts RealNetworks to find out if updated software is available.