What is RealTimes?
RealTimes includes the ability to create and share Stories from your photos and videos, and the technology that connects it to any RealTimes application to play your videos on mobile devices or your TV.
What's New in RealTimes
- RealTimes Stories - a video collage of your memories, ready to watch, customize, and share
- Improved photo support - upload, share, and add to Albums
- Share Albums and groups of items
- Simpler Library design for photos and videos
RealTimes helps you watch your videos anywhere, using your favorite devices. Formats and codecs don't matter--your videos just play.
How does RealTimes work?
RealTimes will look at the photos and videos on your mobile device and will begin to suggest Stories of your memories. If you subscribe to RealTimes Premium or Unlimited, you will get all of your additional benefits (including more RealCloud storage space and RealPlayer Plus) simply by signing in to your account.
Your space is private. You decide if you want to share your photos or videos.
Your RealCloud Library (everything you have uploaded) is available from inside RealTimes. You can upload, download, play, and share.
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