'Unsupported file type' error
Why do I receive an "Unsupported file type" error message in RealPlayer?
This message means that RealPlayer could not recognize a file that you tried to access.
By default, RealPlayer can play RealAudio, RealVideo, and MPEG files. For a list of supported file types, visit the Media Types page. It can also play other media types if the appropriate plug-ins and codecs (compression/decompression systems) are installed.
However, RealPlayer cannot play files that your computer does not recognize. To install the codecs required for your system to recognize other types of files, download and install the media player or its codec package that was originally designed to play back that media.
To install these free codecs for your system, choose one from the following list of media players with commonly-used codecs:
Combined Community Codec Pack: To play MKV files, download the Combined Community Codec Pack. (Download 64-bit or 32-bit based on what your computer has.)
DivX codec: Download the DivX Plus Codec Pack. (Select the "Free software" version.)
K-Lite codec: Download it here.
Once the codecs are installed, RealPlayer Plus customers and RealTimes Premium or Unlimited subscribers can use the Universal Media Playback feature to play all supported media types with RealPlayer.
To enable Universal Media Playback:
1. Open RealPlayer.
2. Click the RealPlayer logo, then Preferences. The Preferences dialog opens.
3. In the "Category" area under Content, click "Media Types".
4. Place a dot next to "Make RealPlayer my Universal Media Player".
5. Click OK.