'Cannot connect' error when playing clips
Why do I receive a "cannot connect" error message when I try to play a file in RealPlayer?
Connection errors that occur at all sites on a recurring basis indicate a problem with RealPlayer connection configuration or your Internet connection. To allow RealPlayer to connect, you may need to reconfigure RealPlayer or your security software.
Solution 1: Determine whether the problem is with the specific file.
To rule out a problem with the file itself, try playing other, similar files from your hard drive or a different website.
If the similar files play, then the problem may be with the specific web site, or with the file you were trying to play. This may be a temporary problem of high traffic or technical difficulties. Try again later, or contact the webmaster of the site to alert them to the problem.
Solution 2: Increase the time-out settings, and try playing the clip again.
1. In RealPlayer, click the RealPlayer logo, then Preferences. The Preferences box opens.
2. In the Category pane, click Connection.
3. Under Network Time-out, increase the time-out settings by 10 seconds.
4. Click OK.
5. Try to play the clip again.
6. If you still have problems, increase the time-out settings by another 10 seconds and try again.
Keep trying until the clip plays or it becomes obvious that increasing the time-out settings will not resolve this problem. Increasing this time also increases the time you wait for a time-out message to appear.
Solution 3: Reset Internet Explorer.
Because RealPlayer uses Internet Explorer to connect to the internet, we recommend that you reset Internet Explorer.
Solution 4: Configure your personal firewall or security software to allow RealPlayer access to the Internet.
Firewalls must be configured to allow realplay.exe to have two-way access to the Internet before audio or video can be played. Consult the manufacturer of your firewall software if you are unsure how to grant this access.
Solution 5: Verify that your corporate firewall or proxy allows RealPlayer access to the Internet.
Corporate local area networks (LANs) or commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often use a firewall or proxy to limit traffic and protect their users' computers from unauthorized access. If these ports are specifically restricted by your firewall, you will need to configure your Connection Preferences to use your firewall's settings.
By default, the RealPlayer uses the following ports to connect:
TCP 80, 554, 4040, 7070, 8080, 443 (SSL for sign in), 1755 (MMS Windows Media requests)
UDP 6970-32,000, 1755 (MMS Windows Media resend requests)
HTTP 80 (AU, Messaging Service, and HTTP Cloaking)
RealPlayer configurations will override these defaults. Contact your network administrator for further assistance.