Watching clips with closed captioning or descriptive audio
Can I watch clips with closed captioning or descriptive audio in RealTimes (RealPlayer)?
RealTimes (RealPlayer) supports both text captioning and descriptive audio for files (clips) that include these features. Text Captioning converts audio into subtitles, and Descriptive Audio provides a running narration of the images that occur in a clip. These features make audio and video clips more accessible to people who are hearing-impaired or vision-impaired.
Note: If the Closed captioning (or descriptive audio) is embedded in the video, then it will appear when you play back the downloaded video; however, you have to select Closed Captioning or Descriptive Audio as "On" when viewing the video on the original website, otherwise RealPlayer won't download this additional content.
To enable text captioning or descriptive audio in RealPlayer:
1. In RealTimes (RealPlayer), click the application logo on the upper left, then Preferences. The Preferences box opens.
2. In the Category pane, click Content.
3. Under Accessibility, select one or both of the following check boxes:
- Use supplemental text captioning when available
- Use descriptive audio when available
4. Click OK.
If text captioning and descriptive audio do not work for a given clip, even after they are selected, this means that the clip maker has not provided these features.