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Downloader opens but does not respond



  • -1
  • Mark Wilton


    I tried the instructions in the article to which you pointed me, but I cannot open the Preferences in the Downloader --- the dialog box does not respond to any clicks --- the pointer is spinning busy.  Is there something I might do to a registry entry to make the change to the Preferences?


  • Viswanathan S

    To resolve this issue, please follow the below solutions:

    Solution 1: Deleting temporary Windows files and folders:

    Solution 2: Uninstall RealPlayer by following the article:

    Solution 3: Run Microsoft's Fixit program:

    Go to and run the Fixit program. This tool is often helpful in cleaning up previous installations and fixing installer issues. Remove entries related to RealPlayer and RealDownloader.

    Solution 4: To download and install a new copy of the application, visit, click the Download RealPlayer for Free button, and follow the prompts to install the current version. Then try to download.

    I hope this information helps.

  • Mark Wilton


    Thank you for your reply.  I had taken these steps previously with no success.  I just tried following these steps again, and again, I am experiencing the same problem.


  • Mark Wilton


    Further to my prior reply, I have since uninstalled IE 11 and reinstalled it.  This did NOT fix the problem.


  • Viswanathan S

    Make sure you run the Microsoft's Fixit program, to do so. Go to and run the Fixit program. This tool is often helpful in cleaning up previous installations and fixing installer issues. Remove entries related to RealPlayer and RealDownloader.

    If the issue still persists, try resetting your web browser by following this link:

    If that doesn't help, you will need to create a new user profile in your computer and install the fresh copy of RealTimes from

    To do so, follow these steps:

    • Click the Windows Start button in the lower left corner of the screen.
    • Select Control Panel.
    • Choose User Accounts.
    • Under Pick a task... click Create a new account.
    • Set the user to Administrator.
    • Log into the new account and install RealTimes from

    After that, sign into RealTimes account under the new user profile.

    Note: The contents of the Desktop, Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, etc, are all stored inside the profile directory and so creating a new profile resulted in new and empty folders for all these.

    You should still be able to access the old profile folders by going to C:\Users(old profile name)\ and looking through the folders there. Then simply copy the files to the same directories in the new profile folders (don't copy the whole folders, just the files and folders inside them).

    I hope this information helps!

  • Mark Wilton


    I don't know what happened, but the Downloader now works.

    I backed up my C: drive, then followed your instructions:

    • I uninstalled RealPlayer
    • I ran the MS Program_Install_and_Uninstall program (it hasn't found anything relating to RealTime or RealDownloader in the numerous times that I have run it)
    • I reset my web browser
    • I reinstalled RealPlayer - the problem was not corrected
    • I uninstalled RealPlayer, reran the MS Program_Install_and_Uninstall program
    • I created a new administrator account
    • Using the new account, I reinstalled RealPlayer - the problem was not corrected
    • I restored my C: drive from backup and RealDownloader decided it was time to work - Go figure!

    Thank you for your assistance.  I would love to know what caused the problem to go away so that I can fix it the next time you supply an update and I have more problems.


  • Mark Wilton


    Further to the above.  The next time I booted my machine, the problem recurred and I cannot get Downloader to download.  The pointer continues to spin busy.  Now I am totally confused.


  • Mark Wilton


    Further to the above.  I have discovered that if I click on the Download this Video button when in Internet Explorer, even though the Downloader dialog opens with the pointer spinning busy and the dialog box non-responsive, the video does get downloaded.  I have to use Windows Explorer to go into the download folder to see that the video is there.

    Any ideas?


  • Arvin

    Sorry for the delay in response. To resolve this issue, follow the below article:

  • Mark Wilton


    Thank you for your reply.  I was going to tell you that I had already tried this fix, but was unable to get into Preferences, as indicated in an earlier message.  Instead, I decided to do some more research.  I was signed in through RealPlayer during all of my earlier testing.  This caused RealDownloader to spin busy and not allow me access to the Preferences.  Signing out of RealPlayer gave me access to Preferences in RealDownloader.

    However, even after making sure that "Save local files to" was filled in, there are still problems, as follows:

    If I am signed in through RealPlayer:

    • If I click on the Download This Video button, the RealDownloader dialog box opens with the pointer spinning. 
    • The RealDownloader dialog box displays Sign In on its title bar (see top JPEG in my original message, above).
    • I cannot do anything in this dialog box without crashing it.
    • The video downloads in the background, but I have no idea as to the progress of the download as nothing is displayed in the RealDownloader dialog box.

    If I am not signed in through RealPlayer:

    • If I click on the Download This Video button, the RealDownloader dialog box opens, the video is downloaded and its progress is displayed.
    • I can also download additional videos using the Download This Video button.
    • However, if I close the RealDownloader dialog box, it will not reopen, not by clicking the Download This Video button or by selecting it from the Windows' menu.  I have to log out of my Windows' session and log back in.

    Also, if I am not signed in through RealPlayer:

    • If I open RealDownloader and sign in from its Sign In option on the title bar, the RealDownloader dialog box locks up with the pointer spinning and I can do nothing to the dialog box without crashing it.

    I hope that what I have explained makes sense and you can determine from my explanation what is causing my problems.

    Many thanks,




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