Unable to upload or share from iOS device
Why can't I upload or share a video or photo?
Please check the following:
- Internet speed: The length of time it takes to upload a video can vary greatly depending on your Internet connection speed and the size of the file. Read this article for more information, including a list of typical upload times.
- Internet/Wi-Fi connection: It's possible that a dropped connection interrupted the upload or share process. Please check your connection and try again.
- Available storage space: If you have used most or all of your available storage space, then the upload will fail if the file size exceeds the space available. Videos must be uploaded to your RealCloud storage before being shared.
- Video length: Downloaded videos that are more than 20 minutes long can be uploaded, but cannot be shared. (This restriction does not apply to videos from your Camera Roll.)
- Access to Camera Roll: When you first install the RealTimes app on your iPhone or iPad, you are asked if you want to allow RealTimes access to your Camera Roll. If you clicked OK, you'll be able to upload Camera Roll photos and videos. If you clicked Don't Allow, you will need to go to your iPad or iPhone Settings > Privacy > Photos and allow access.
- Lock icon: If you see a "lock" icon on a video that you synced or downloaded from iTunes, this means that the video cannot be uploaded or shared using RealTimes--although you can still play it on your device.
- Are you signed in? You must be signed in to the RealTimes app to upload to your Cloud and share videos, photos, and Stories.