RealTimes for iOS
- Delete or hide Suggested Stories on iOS
- Problems using Chromecast with iPhone or iPad
- Upgrade/downgrade subscriptions in iOS app
- Cloud content does not appear on iPhone or iPad
- Select a specific section of video for a Story on iOS
- Paid for higher storage limit but only seeing free plan
- Cancel subscription on iPhone or iPad
- Deleted videos still appear in app
- App does not run in the background
- See videos and photos from other devices and PCs on iPhone or iPad
- Installing RealTimes for iOS: supported versions
- Share videos and photos from iPhone or iPad
- Downloading videos and photos to iOS
- Turn off notifications on iOS devices
- Casting AVI, MKV and DIVX video formats
- Not seeing movies or TV shows purchased from iTunes
- Unable to upload or share from iOS device
- Capture and share video from iPhone or iPad
- Check Cloud space status on iOS devices
- Limit mobile data consumption
- Uploading to RealTimes from iOS devices
- Open Source Licenses