Print a list of clips from my Library
How do I print a list of the clips from my Library?
Print Current Library View is a RealTimes Premium/RealPlayer Plus feature that will print a list of all the clips currently shown in whichever Library node you are viewing. The Clip Name, Artist, Album and File Name in this view will be printed as well.
1. In RealTimes/RealPlayer, open the Library and select any of the nodes, like All Media, or a specific Album or Playlist.
2. From the menu, click File.
3. Select Print, then Print Current Library View.
4. Click the Print button when the Print window appears.
This will print out the list of clips.
If you are viewing a list of categories or subcategories, the printed list will include the number of items in each category, total length of all items, and total file size.
If you are viewing a list of items, the printed list will include details for each.
Columns of printable information not currently displayed in the Library will not be included in the printout.