"Currently not connected to RealTimes/RealPlayer Cloud - To reset your connection, please restart your computer."
Why do I keep getting the message: "Currently not connected to RealTimes (or RealPlayer Cloud)"?
1. Close your desktop player.
2. Click the Windows Start button , go to Run, and type "Services.msc" (without the quotes).
3. Scroll down to RealTimes Desktop Service or RealPlayer Cloud Services and right-click on it.
4. Click on either Start or Restart depending on which one you see.
5. Right-click on RealTimes Desktop Service or RealPlayer Cloud Services then choose Properties.
6. Make sure Startup Type is set to "Automatic."
If it is not already on Automatic, follow these steps:
a) Right-click on RealTimes Desktop Service or RealPlayer Cloud Services
b) Click Properties
c) Change the Startup Type to "Automatic"
d) Click Apply and then click Ok.
7. Now click on the Recovery tab, and set the following:
First Failure = Restart the Service
Second Failure = Restart the Service
Subsequent Failures = Restart the Service
Reset Fail count After = 120
Restart Service after = 0
8. Click Apply and then click OK.
9. Close the Services window.
10. Open RealTimes/RealPlayer Cloud again--you should now see the sign-in screen.