About RealTimes
Upload & Share (Photos, Videos, Stories)
- Sharing photos and videos by email, text, or on a website
- Uploading files to RealTimes
- Editing RealTimes Stories
- Choose portion of background music for Story
- Select a specific section of video for a Story on PC or Mac
- Creating your own Stories
RealTimes for Android
- Trouble using Chromecast with Android
- Upgrade to Premium plan in Android app (Google Play)
- Delete or hide Suggested Stories on Android
- Cancel subscription or free trial on Android device
- Creating photo collages
- Backup settings
RealTimes for iOS
- Delete or hide Suggested Stories on iOS
- Problems using Chromecast with iPhone or iPad
- Upgrade/downgrade subscriptions in iOS app
- Cloud content does not appear on iPhone or iPad
- Select a specific section of video for a Story on iOS
- Paid for higher storage limit but only seeing free plan
RealTimes & RealPlayer Cloud - TV
- RealTimes/RealPlayer Cloud and online TV
- Stream video to your TV using Chromecast
- Chromecast troubleshooting tips
- RealTimes and Roku
- Video does not start playing when casting
- Video titles are blank on Roku